SmartRules is currently unavailable for purchase
SmartRules depends entirely on SmartThings infrastructure to build and run your rules. Due to changes in that infrastructure, we have been unable to release any updates to the existing implementation of SmartRules. Recently, the amount of problems caused by the SmartThings infrastructure have caused us to make the decision to pull SmartRules from the App Store until we are able to complete a new version of the app that will utilize the new interfaces with SmartThings and be better equipped to handle problems with the infrastructure.
Existing users will be able to continue using SmartRules as usual, as long as SmartThings continues to support that previous generation infrastructure.

Each rule is broken down into three parts triggers ("if this happens"), conditions ("while this is true"), and actions ("then do this"). Just select one or more triggers and at least one action, and you've got your first rule (conditions are optional). Below, you can see all of the supported functionality.
if this happens
- Time
- Sunrise/sunset
- QuickTap (Today Screen and Apple Watch)
- Mode is activated/deactivated
- Acceleration sensor starts/stops moving
- Alarm siren/strobe/both turn on/off
- Beacon arrives/leaves
- Button is held/pressed
- Contact sensor is opened/closed
- CO is detected/cleared/tested
- Dimmer level goes above/below/equal to value
- Door is opening / opened / closing / closed / unknown
- Energy goes above/below/equal to value
- Humidity goes above/below/equal to value
- Illuminance goes above/below/equal to value
- Lock is locked/unlocked
- Motion sensor detects motion / motion ends
- Music player starts playing / stops pauses / mutes / unmutes
- Power goes above/below/equal to value
- Sleep sensor detects sleeping / not sleeping
- Switch turns on/off
- Temperature goes above/below/equal to value
- Water sensor becomes wet/dry
- Valve is opened/closed
while this is true
- Time is before/after value
- Time is before/after sunrise/sunset
- Day of the week is
- Mode is active/inactive
- Acceleration sensor is/is not accelerating
- Alarm siren/strobe/both are on/off
- Beacon is/is not present
- Button is held/pressed
- Contact sensor is open/closed
- CO sensor is detecting/clear/testing
- Dimmer level is above/below/equal to value
- Door is opening / open / closing / closed / unknown
- Energy is above/below/equal to value
- Humidity is above/below/equal to value
- Illuminance is above/below/equal to value
- Lock is locked/unlocked
- Motion sensor is/is not detecting motion
- Music player is playing / paused / muted / not muted
- Power is above/below/equal to value
- Sleep sensor is detecting asleep / not asleep
- Switch is on/off
- Temperature is above/below/equal to value
- Water sensor is wet/dry
- Valve is open/closed
then do this
- Run Routine or Hello, Home phrase
- Activate mode
- Notify via SMS/push notification
- Turn a switch on / off or toggle it
- Set dimmer level
- Turn alarm siren/strobe/both on/off
- Take a picture with a camera
- Open/close a door
- Lock/unlock a lock
- Push a momentary switch
- Play/pause/stop/mute/unmute/next/previous/volume control/play url on a music player
- Speak text with a speech synthesizer
- Beep a tone device
- Open/close a valve